7. Engaging with the community

There are points in this inquiry when I will engage with the community to collect opinions or data, or to report my findings.

Formulating research questions

I have posted my questions on the Mind Lab Ed November Intake Google+ community for feedback. At this stage I'm wary of asking my own teachers as they are under pressure with inquiries of their own, a full week and ERO about to arrive.

Gathering the data/evidence 

1. I will use different survey methods to collect data from teachers at my school:

a) A Google form, because we have a lot of staff who are currently excited about using Google Drive tools.
b) Interview questions for teachers who are less comfortable with digital technology.

2. Teachers out of my school:

I want to gather ideas from teachers and school leadership personnel who are experimenting with SRL. I will use a Google form advertised on the social media where there are teachers: Facebook teacher groups, Twitter, Google+, the Virtual Learning Network and the Mind Lab community.

3. Students in my school:

For students in my school I will create a Google form for students in 1:1 laptop classes and a set of interview questions for a sample of students from the mainstream, accelerate and rumaki classes.

Interpreting the data/evidence 

The data collected will be qualitative data about types of self regulated activities, processes, resources and theorists. 

There will be quantitative data to collect about the popularity of particular self regulated activities, processes, resources and theorists. These will help me decide what it is that I want to trial with learners in my school. I will write a post on this blog about self regulated learning practices, which I will cross post to likeahoginmud.blogspot.com and advertise on Google+, Facebook, the Virtual Learning Network and Twitter.

Sharing the data/evidence with relevant parties 

I will make sure my own school community and fellow senior leadership team is given a summary of the material I collect, and post as above.

I will trial some of these practices in classrooms in my school with teachers who want to try them and collect student and teacher voice which I will share with our teachers and again, as a blog post for school leaders and teachers elsewhere.

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